Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Readers Theater

Today we did a two theaters for our kindergarten buddies. We read Turkey Trouble and T'was the Night Before Thanksgiving. Pictured here are the animal characters from Turkey Trouble - Izzy, Jaykeb, Justin, Troy, and Joe.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Stone Soup Performance

Great job Room 202 on your Stone Soup musical!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Upcoming Events

October 4th - Room 202 performs Stone Soup 2:30

October 6th - Walk at School Day
We will be walking at the track for Walk at School Day. Please have your child wear their sneakers.

October 7th - No School

October 20th - Open House

Skeleton Book Report

Last week I assigned the students in my Reading class a skeleton book report. The students have chosen the books they would like to read for their book report. After reading their books, they will fill in the required information on their skeleton template. The parts of the skeleton will be assembled with string or yarn. The book reports are due October 20th. Please talk to your child about the book they are reading, and encourage them to be working on their report. This is an important reading project that should not be put off until the last minute. I look forward to reading their skeleton book reports.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to School Night

Fourth grade teachers are hosting a Back to School Night for parents on Thursday, September 8th at 6:30. I hope you can attend to learn all about the happenings in fourth grade this year.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

PA Trivia Contest

Each year 4th grade does a Pennsylvania Trivia Contest. Our trivia contest is similar to a spelling bee. Today the students received a list of Pennsylvania trivia questions. On May 13th we will hold a classroom competition to narrow it down to the top 10 students in Room 202. On May 26th those students will compete against students from the other 4th grade classrooms. Please encourage your child to spend a little time each day studying the questions.

Animal Reports

Just a reminder that animal reports are due Tuesday, May 3rd. The books seem to be coming along nicely, and I am very excited to see the final results.